Friday, January 16, 2009
Many of us are bookmarking the websites for our passion and
the website owners are making money! Now anyone can earn
money by Bookmarking websites of yours or others.
Want to know how you can earn money from Bookmarking ?
Just become a Member of TAGFOOT.COM and you are eligible
to earn 50% of Adsense Revenue sharing. For this you
need a Google Adsense account, which can earn you 50%
of ad revenues to you. Refer as many of your friends
to this site and earn 25% extra adsense earnings from
their earnings. Eg: If your referred friends earns 100$,
you are bound to earn 25$ from his earnings and no
deduction of what so ever will be done to your friends
account i.e. will pay you extra 25% from its
share of 50%.
Still need more earning for you! If you are having Amazon
affiliate account, you can also earn from it. If you
own a blog/site, bookmark your site's all content and
get traffic to your site and also earn money from
Ads on your bookmarked pages.
For more information VISIT : WWW.TAGFOOT.COM